Star Wars the CCG Decks & Tips By Randy Barrett * * * * * * Welcome to my first informative document on Star Wars, Decipher's coolest CCG. In this first edition, I will give some hints, combos, good cards to get, and good decks. Since most other FAQ's concentrate on the Dark side, mine will focus on the Light side. Enjoy! * * * * * * Contents- 1) Cards to Get(good & cheap) 2) Sample Deck 3) Tips & Hints 4) the most important- COMBOS! KEY- x/y (x=power, y=ability), \= 1 force icon at site (blue or red) * * * * * * CARDS TO GET DARK SIDE- Djas Puhr- 1/4 alien warrior with ability to get power +1(+2 during nighttime conditions) for each red \ at current site. Bounty hunter. Admiral Motti- 3/3 imperial,warrior similar to TAGGE,but cannot be targeted by a SEEKER. Leader. Kintan Strider- Lost interrupt. Once opponent loses character, you can regenerate one of your own! Chief Bast- 2/2 imperial pilot. A good character for very cheap! Myo- 3/1 alien warrior. Power +1 if at same site as bounty hunter. Regenerates to top of used pile if lost from a battle. Need I say more? LIGHT SIDE - BoShek- 2/4 alien pilot. May make kessel run, adds 3 power to starship. Auto battle destiny! Owen Lars- 1/3 rebel. Power +2 if at same site as BERU LARS or a VAPORATOR. If forefited durin opponent's turn LUKE is power +3 until end of next turn. Deploys free at LARS MOISTURE FARM. Take my advice- travel OWEN & BERU together. Momaw Nadon- 1/3 alien spy. May steal creature vehicles! Red Leader- 2/2 rebel pilot warrior. OKAY, he's not cheap, but he's too good to pass up. In Red 1, he is unstoppable. Use him as your main pilot. Kal'Falnl C'ndros- 1/1 alien pilot. Cannot fit onboard starfighters or enclosed vehicles. OK, that stinks, but if you draw battle destiny concerning her, and yours is higher, opponent's destiny=0, 0! She also has Landspeed=3 and when at the same site as KITIK KEED'KAK (the cursed mantis with 8 power) the mantis immediately lost! The best part of all, KAL deploys FOR FREE! BOTH SIDES - Lightsaber- weapon. X/Y(character stats) 7-Y= cost to equip & to target. Draw 2 destiny, yadda yadda yadda. * * * * * * DECKS- I only know a few, but it is better than none. LIGHT DRAINER Characters- 1 Red Leader 1 Obi-Wan Kenobi 1 BoShek 1 Beru Lars 1 Luke (if you don't have Skywalker use the 2/3 you get in an intro game) here's the key- 5 Rebel Guards (you heard me right) Ships/Vehicles- 1 SoroSuub V-35 Landspeeder 1 Red 1 2 Corellian Corvettes 2 X-Wings Weapons/Devices-1 Jedi Lightsaber 1 Tagge or Tarkin seeker 1 Quad Laser Cannon 2 Proton Torpedos 5 Blasters (you aren't seeing things) 5 Tatooine Utility Belts Effects- 5 Sai'torr Kal Fas (getting it?) Interrupts- 1 Panic 1 We're Doomed 1 Alter 1 Sense 1 Nabrun Leids 1 Collision! 1 Beru Stew 1 Warrior's Courage 1 It Could Be Worse 2 Old Ben Sites- 1 Kessel space site 2 TATOOINE: Docking Bay 94 2 TATOOINE: Mos Eisley 2 TATOOINE: Dune Sea (or Cantina) 2 TATOOINE: Lars' Moisture Farm 2 TATOOINE: Jawa Camp 1 YAVIN 4: Docking Bay 1 YAVIN 4: Massassi War Room(starting) This deck is designed around force drain on Tatooine with Rebel Guards(1 per site). Give them Sai'torr Kal Fass, Blaster, and Tatooine Utility Belt to put a stop to any attempt to drain stops. Load up the Landspeeder with Obi- Wan, Luke(or Beru), and BoShek to stop smart opponents from massing an army. Use Beru Stew/ Nabrun Lieds to help in case of off- guard battle. If your opponent has power in space, exchange BoShek for Beru in the Landspeeder, and put BoShek on a Corvette to help Red Leader(who should be on Red 1). WORKS WELL AGAINST AGRESSIVE OPPONENTS! TIPS AND HINTS -if at all possible, get OBI-WAN or DARTH VADER! -try and keep the battle on YOUR turf, don't go tramping through the Death Star if you are the Light Side. -don't kill people with insanely high forefit totals, just try to incapacitate, not decapitate -use spies to get the jump on your opponent -a good strategy to use against a tough group of characters is to deploy droids to the site, they cannot be attacked and are added to the total power of your group. Then, bring your people in on a vehicle. -don't use specific anti-mechanisms(like a VAPORATOR to stop GRAVEL STORM), use SENSE and ALTER -if your game will consist of space battles, I recommend playing a CRASH SITE MEMORIAL, so you can retrieve your good ships after they are destroyed. -if you cannot afford a LUKE SKYWALKER or a DARTH VADER, get their generic counterparts found in the intro game, LUKE or VADER. These cards work with the same specials as the origionals. -don't think that some cards are worthless, they have their own uses in certain situations. TALZ and TUSKEN RAIDERS are excellent cards when used properly. -most important of all, remember that Star Wars is a GAME. Have fun and be a good sport (unless you are in competition, then you have my permission to be ruthless). * * * * * * COMBOS LIGHT SIDE () 3x TALZ, NIGHTFALL, 2X-3KPR -pretty easy, each TALZ is Power +4 () REBEL GUARD, TATOOINE UTILITY BELT, BLASTER, SAI'TORR KAL FASS -the REBEL GUARD can stand alone at a Tatooine site and force drain forever. () OBI-WAN KENOBI, JEDI LIGHTSABER -want to kill somebody? () LUKE SKYWALKER, SAI'TORR KAL FASS, PLASTOID ARMOR, LEIA ORGANA, C-3PO, 2X-3PKR, NIGHTFALL, at DEATH STAR: LEVEL 6 CORE SHAFT CORRIDOR -LUKE is Power+10, if OWEN or BERU LARS was just forefited, LUKE is Power+16!(a 19/4 character! even if for one round). LUKE is a 13/4 warrior pilot spy! (while on DEATH STAR) * * * * * * Well, that is that. If you want to read more, E-mail me at Thank you for downloading my file. Sorry for not having much info on the Dark Side, but I collect Light Side. If you have any info(decks, combos, hints, good cards) send them to me along with a short explanation on use. Good- bye for now!